Okay, maybe that's a bit overstated, but I am currently deep into creating the Bestiary 3 for Fantasy Grounds in hopes of having it ready for the virtual table top (VTT) not long after the hardback hits the market.
I know I mentioned this in my initial post, but Fantasy Grounds as a VTT is amazing. With the advent of its Unity version, we are seeing it evolve into an even better product. For those familiar with RPGs (roleplaying games), here's a look at what a group might see playing a D&D style game on the VTT:
GM's View (the Host):
Player's View:
One of the cool aspects, for people familiar with roleplaying games, is that with Fantasy Grounds you get individual views of the environment for each player. Nathan, who's playing Styx, will only see that what's in his line of sight (the altar area north of him, with steps leading up, a bit behind him through the open double doors, and just a bit of the outside through the arrow slots in the building's walls. The view would be different for Liz playing her dwarven fighter, Ravahana (she would see, for example, that Glowing Undead in the NE section of the northern chamber). In the above example, Styx is trying to slide to his left to get vision on the mysterious spirit creature.
The first image shows what I see as the host to the game (Game Master or GM), with some idea of what they players are seeing (the areas more lit up) and, of course, all the features beyond what they see. This dynamic display of the play environment is absolutely awesome! For anyone who's ever been curious about what playing D&D or any RPG might be like, or anyone who's looking to return to the gaming genre, I highly recommend looking in to finding and joining a group online. It doesn't have the immediacy of MMOs (like World of Warcraft), but the social aspects, imagination stimuli, and unlimited possibilities of RPGs are unmatched.
And not long from now, there will be a whole new slew of creatures from the Bestiary 3 to challenge, interact, and ally with.